ESG sustainability
Climate change as just one part of our environmental, social and economic challenges is increasingly becoming a reality. The pressure on business and politics is constantly increasing and the resulting regulatory requirements are leading to an acute need for action in political, social and economic terms. In short: it’s late, but not too late.
The momentum is promising to engage in forward-looking entrepreneurial activities. The change in the environment and society that has already been tangibly initiated must now also be integrated economically into the existing business model of pure shareholder thinking.
This means developing or driving forward new, holistic and ESG-driven business models with the involvement of all stakeholders.
What do we mean by a sustainable ESG-driven business model?
We understand this to mean development that satisfies the needs of current generations without risking that future generations will not be able to meet their needs to the same extent. Thus, sustainability becomes the result of a balanced environmental, social, and economic strategy process.
This is the optimal starting point to set a clear and promising focus and to develop a sustainable, rolling strategy over time. Stringent and responsible corporate governance is thus the guarantor for the success/failure of the chosen ESG-driven corporate strategy.
Concept of planetary boundaries (Planetary Bounderies)

Based on the concept of planetary boundaries and a company-specific materiality analysis (double materiality), we are able to identify ecological (E) and social (S) risks and dangers on the one hand and to classify their significance for the company (internal view) and the environment (external view). On the other hand, there are entrepreneurial opportunities that reveal the potential of a focused, responsibly managed (G) transformation and innovation process.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations
At the UN General Assembly in 2015, 193 countries agreed on 17 goals, which contain 169 sub-goals. They are called “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs). The SDGs combine the social, ecological and economic dimensions and thus link our natural foundations of life. Because social progress is not possible in the long term without taking planetary boundaries into account.

The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it is and at the same time hope that something will change.
Albert Einstein
my E-ESG journey
1990 – My triggers
Intensive discussions about the state of society and the environment during school and university on the one hand. On the other hand, the discussion initiated by Stephan Schmidheini about eco-efficiency and the three-pillar economic model derived from it (triple bottom line) have fascinated me and have accompanied me since the first United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 (The Rio Earth Summit 1992).
2000 – My passion
As a senior management delegate for sustainability at a tour operator and economist, I was given the chance to put my belief that the social, environmental and economic efforts are not opposites, into practice. Rather, it was possible to show that an equal coexistence and coexistence of social, economic and ecological goals form the basis of sustainable development, generate entrepreneurial added value and help to ensure the long-term existence of companies, society and our planet.
2010 – My «realisation»
As a banker and sustainably committed personality, I was thrown back to earth in the financial industry and had to realize that the implementation of sustainable management is still very personal and is neglected in many industries. My personal insight from this was that as long as sustainability management isn’t located at the top levels (ExCom, Board) of the company and recognized as an entrepreneurial opportunity, implementation will only be realized opportunistically.
2020 – My purpose
My private and professional wealth of experience and my many years of passion for corporate sustainability in connection with an increasing awareness of the climate problem in society, politics and the business world are extremely rare today and offer entrepreneurial opportunities, which I would like to use together with my customers today and in the future want to perceive.